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SR9009 Depot (EVOLIX) 50mg x 10ml / Vial


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SR9009 Depot (EVOLIX) 50mg x 10ml / Vial

SR9009 Depot
25-50mg/day or once every 2 days
(or 10-25mg twice a day in the morning and before bedtime, taking into account the short half-life)
10-12 weeks of cycles, then 4 weeks off before re-cycling.
*No PCT required
SR9009 Oral bioavailability – does stenabolic need to be injected?

Want to tone your muscles for the stage or beach? If you want to get those abs and bulge your veins, you need chemical help. Fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders usually turn to dangerous anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) before and during contests.

Compounds like Anavar, T3, and Clenbuterol are often used in weight loss cycles to aid the body in accelerating fat loss. Although these oral medications are effective, they come with many side effects. From testosterone cessation to liver damage, AAS, thyroid medications, and asthma medications come with side effects.

What if there was a compound that would bring steroid-like effects to your weight loss cycle, without side effects and without stopping your activity? Sounds interesting?

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, was invented by Professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute in collaboration with Ligand. This oral drug stimulates the Rev-Erb protein, affecting many biological processes involved in glucose and lipid mechanisms.

What is SR9009?
SR9009 is not a SARM, it is a Rev-erb-α agonist. Stenabolic activates a number of biological processes through the binding and activation of the Rev-Erb protein. (1) The action of SR9009 affects lipid and glucose metabolism and macrophages, with a remarkable effect on cellular fat storage mechanisms and circadian rhythms.

The most important feature of SR9009 is its ability to stimulate the production of mitochondria. As a result, users experience metabolic enhancement in the muscular system. Stenabolic offers a variety of benefits, including increased endurance, muscle strength, and fat loss.

Studies have shown that laboratory mice given SR9009 increased their running speed by 50%. Strengthening mitochondria in the body increases energy levels at the cellular level in the muscle system, resulting in a replenishing effect where new mitochondria replace old mitochondria as macrophages increase.

Essentially, this effect allows users to increase their resting metabolic rate by up to 5%, burning more body fat at rest and getting cut better in the gym. Increased cellular energy allows users to work out at a significant calorie deficit without feeling the same fatigue as natural athletes.

The result is faster, more effective fat loss. SR9009 focuses on burning LDL cholesterol for energy, reducing total lipids in the body. This results in an improved cholesterol profile, which is good for heart health.

Studies on Stenabolic have shown effects on triglyceride profiles.
Reduce total plasma triglycerides by up to 12%

Lower total cholesterol levels by up to 47%

Reduce plasma non-esterified fatty acids by up to 23%

Lower plasma glucose levels by up to 19%

Lower plasma insulin levels by up to 35%

This Rev-erb-α agonist produces the exact opposite results to those seen with AAS. AAS raise cholesterol levels. But SR9009 minimizes the production of heart-healthy HDL and raises levels of artery-clogging LDL.

SR9009 also has anti-inflammatory effects on the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, which is reduced by up to 72%. This compound also enhances circadian rhythms, helping you get more therapeutic benefits out of your sleep.

This is good news for bodybuilders, strength athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who need to improve their recovery from training-related stress. (2)

Oral vs Injection
The dosage of Stenabolic depends on your experience with this compound. Beginners can get good results with a dose as low as 10 mg per day. Intermediate users can increase the dosage to 20 mg per day, while advanced users can tolerate up to 40 mg per day before experiencing side effects.

Advanced users can also combine SR9009 with other SARMs. Stenabolic works synergistically with other compounds such as RAD 140, YK11, and LGD 4033 to enhance the effects. Stenabolic is also great for PCT, allowing you to recover quickly from both SARM and AAS cycles.

It is important to note that Stenabolic has a short half-life. When taken orally, it needs to be taken every 2-4 hours to maintain the activity of the compound in the body. Therefore, to get the most out of this product, it should be taken by injection before bed and immediately after waking up.

The bioavailability of this compound in humans is estimated at 24%, while injections have a 100% absorption rate.

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