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PT 141 10mg + Injection water ampule


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PT 141 10mg + Injection water ampule

Bremelanotide PT-141 Dosing:

Light: 1mg
Common: 2-3mg
Large: Over 4mg

Bremelanotide (PT-141) was developed from Melanotan 2 (MT-II), which was tested as a sunless tanning agent. PT-141 is a metabolite of MT-II that lacks the C-terminal amide function-stripping away tanning properties.

Studies have shown bremelanotide to be effective in treating sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). PT-141 is the only synthetic aphrodisiac. Unlike Viagra and other related medications (PDE5s), PT-141 does not act upon the vascular system but directly increases sexual desire via the nervous system (hypothalamus).

Bremelanotide is a melanocortin peptide hormone. PT-141 binds to the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) in particular. Nine out of ten volunteers experienced sexual arousal in trials. The desire is one of the more sought after effects unique to the peptide.

A window of Opportunity:
Although injected (subcutaneously), Bremelanotide has a unique window of opportunity lasting six to 72 hours. In lab trials, female rats exposed to PT-141 immediately began “flirting” with male rats for sex. Postures and movements left no doubt in the male rat’s minds that they were in the mood.

Women who took part in trials said that they felt a “tingling and a throbbing” along with “a strong desire to have sex.” An initial flush occurs post injection, followed by nausea which is dose-dependent. For most, effects generally do not take place until a couple hours post-injection, peaking around the four-hour mark.

Men said PT-141 made them feel “younger and more energetic” as well as sexually interested and aroused. “You’re ready to take your pants off and go,” said user “a drug that makes you not only able to but eager to.”

Dosing: Read as much as possible to gain clarity and align expectations. Gradually dosing increases likelihood for success without sides. A test dose of 1-2mg on the first attempt is recommended. 2.5mg, give or take a quarter, is the efficacious dose which yields the most hero stories reported by users.

Bremelanotide PT-141 Peptide:

Bremelanotide in lyophilized form comes in 10mg vial sizes (as pictured above -notice the peptide volume -no filler present). Once reconstituted with bacteriostatic water, PT-141 can be stored in the fridge for a couple months and remain potent.

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