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Oxytocin 2mg + Injection water ampule


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Oxytocin 2mg + Injection water ampule

What is Oxytocin?
Oxytocin definition: a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter and plays a vital role in social behaviors and reproduction.

Known as a nonapeptide, oxytocin contains nine amino acids. The oxytocin peptide sequence is: cysteine – tyrosine – isoleucine – glutamine – asparagine – cysteine – proline – leucine – glycine (CYIQNCPLG).

Circulating oxytocin peptide is essential during parturition and lactation. The peptide oxytocin and the oxytocin receptor play an important role for the induction of labor. However, the OT hormone also plays a role in a range of social behaviors. In fact, that’s why it’s universally known as the ‘love hormone.’

According to recent scientific research[i], Oxytocin functions include affecting sexual activity, milk ejection, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, stress, trust, generosity, and overall bonding.

Research suggests that OT produces vasodilation of vascular smooth muscle and increases coronary, renal, and cerebral blood flow.

How Does Oxytocin Affect Males and Females?
Healthy oxytocin levels in males and females are important for both genders in order for the mind and body to function optimally. Still, you should be aware that oxytocin effects on males is different to that of females. Particularly in social contexts, the effects differ quite a lot.

This is due to the hormone acting differently in the male and female amygdala, the part of your brain responsible for emotion, reward, and motivation.

For instance, oxytocin in females may determine how the gender identifies who to befriend. Oxytocin in males, however, may play a role in the way men identify competitive relationships.

Oxytocin in Women
The Oxytocin hormone for women plays an important role. As per Larry Young, a behavioral neuroscientist at Emory University in Atlanta, “Oxytocin is a peptide produced in the brain that was first recognized for its role in the birth process, and also in nursing.”

OT causes the uterine contractions during labor. It’s also responsible for shrinking the uterus post-delivery. Even the simple suckling of the mother’s breast stimulates the release of oxytocin, causing the body to deliver milk for the baby to drink.

This peptide also promotes mother-child bonding. Research shows that female rats are indifferent to pups if they are virgins, whereas female rats who give birth find the pups irresistible due to the rewiring of the brain. According to Young, humans have exhibited similar signs.

In 2007, a study published in the journal Psychological Science discovered that the higher a mother’s oxytocin levels, the higher the likelihood she would engage in bonding behaviors such as bathing her baby. There are some interesting effects of oxytocin because it plays such a vital role in our behaviors.

Of course, that doesn’t mean maternal bonding can’t be hardwired. However, it does mean that oxytocin release during pregnancy triggers feelings of connectedness to the infant.

Studies additionally show that interacting with a baby causes an increase in the infant’s own oxytocin levels.

Oxytocin in men
Just like in women, oxytocin also facilitates bonding in men.

A 2012 study found that dads who used oxytocin nasal spray played more closely with their 5-month-old babies than those who didn’t get the oxytocin hormone boost.

In another study, back in 2010, men took a dose of oxytocin and described their relationship with their mothers in writing. The men with good relationships described their mothers as more caring following Oxytocin use, whereas those with unsecure relationships actually viewed their moms as less caring. This confirms that Oxytocin strengthens previous associations, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

“It connects brain areas involved in processing social information — whether it’s sights, faces, sounds or smells — and helps link those areas to the brain’s reward system,” explains Young.

Oxytocin Peptide Benefits
While oxytocin supplementation and injection may be used for research purposes only, there’s no doubt that this hormone peptide offers some incredible effects on the human body.

There are a number of benefits of Oxytocin peptide hormone.

Oxytocin Enhances Sexual Arousal
According to a 2001 study, scientists observed spontaneous erections in rats after oxytocin was injected into their cerebrospinal fluid. A range of brain chemicals (including oxytocin!) are releasing in men during ejaculation. Often, these chemicals increase bonding between sexual partners, but not everyone has the same experience.

For example, individuals who get into the sensualness of hugging will experience a release of oxytocin. Those who do not, on the other hand, may not release the oxytocin love hormone.

Oxytocin Boosts Social Skills
A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that inhaling oxytocin drastically improved the ability of individuals with autism to interact with others.

Previous research[ii] has indicated that people with autism suffer from lower oxytocin levels. However, researchers say that Oxytocin as an autism treatment can be extremely effective – particularly in reducing the autist persons’ fear of others. From what research has uncovered, Oxytocin autism effects look extremely promising.

Oxytocin Encourages Restful Sleep
As per a 2003 study in the journal Regulatory Peptides, Oxytocin released in the brain naturally promotes sleep. That’s because oxytocin counters the effects of cortisol – the well-known stress hormone – and promotes a calming effect, enabling users to sleep better and more peacefully.

Oxytocin Lessens Drug Cravings
As far back as 1999, studies indicated that Oxytocin could reduce drug cravings. Allegedly, Oxytocin hormone supplementation inhibits the tolerance to addictive drugs including cocaine, opiates, and alcohol. It can also reduce withdrawal symptoms. Those cravings are eased with oxytocin hormone.

Oxytocin Peptide Effects on Diabetes
New evidence[iii] suggests that oxytocin enhances glucose uptake by boosting insulin sensitivity. Studies revealed that oxytocin deficiencies lead to obesity despite normal food intake and increased leptin levels. Plasma oxytocin is also notably lower in obese people with diabetes, indicating a connection between oxytocin and the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic disease.

Recent scientific studies revealed that intranasal oxytocin administration was associated with significant weight loss, along with insulin sensitivity improvements.

This suggests that oxytocin diabetes treatment could be an effective one thanks to its therapeutic target in obesity and diabetes management.

Oxytocin Muscle Growth Effects
According to UC Berkeley researchers, oxytocin can promote healthy muscle maintenance and repair. The study found that oxytocin for muscle wasting or sarcopenia could be effective as a treatment.

Oxytocin is required for proper muscle tissue regeneration and that plasma levels of oxytocin decrease with age. Studies found[iv] that when research subjects were administered with oxytocin, muscle regeneration improved.

Thus, oxytocin for muscle growth could be a potential treatment for muscle wastage diseases.

Recommended dosage

You inject 2ml water into the vial of Oxytocin from the water vial. 1 full syringe is 1ml. You then wait for the vial powder content to dissolve ON ITS OWN. DO NOT SHAKE THE VIAL TO MIX POWDER. Once dissolved and clear in colour you draw out 0.2ml on the syringe each morning before breakfast and inject it into the tummy under the skin into the fatty skin layer. A vial should last 10 days.

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