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Menogo-sure (HMG)150IU x 1Vials + Injection water ampule


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Menotropin 150 (HMG)150IU x 1Vials + Injection water ampule

Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG)
HMG is a mixture of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
It is used to stimulate hormones by inducing FSH and LH production in the body. Originally designed for use in women, the drug stimulates the ovaries to produce multiple follicles, making fertility more realistic.

HMG is a drug very similar to HCG, with some of its functions, but with the added benefit of FSH stimulation. On the other hand, HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is mainly known for his LH stimulation. HM gonadotropin injection was originally designed as a fertility drug. The effect of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) significantly induces sperm count production in the male body.

HM gonadotropin hormones are most effective when combined with HCG and other his LH stimulants.

How HMG aka human menopausal gonadotropin is different from HCG and why it may be a better alternative to the mainstay of post-cycle therapy.

After completing a steroid cycle, post-cycle therapy (or PCT for short) is mandatory. If you want to maintain the strength and muscle gains you worked so hard for when you were juicing, you need help getting your body’s hormone levels back to normal. Otherwise, all your hard work will go to waste. Over the years many excellent PCT protocols have been outlined and many have followed them with success. Nevertheless, what works can always work better.

For many years, a bodybuilder used his HCG to kick off her HPTA after a cycle. There is still much debate about how it should be used, but for the sake of clarity it is fair to say that it should be administered when the testes show signs of atrophy. This makes sense because, contrary to popular belief, HCG (and HMG) do not “cure” or “recover” anything. It does not permanently return testosterone levels, nor does it guarantee that production will return to normal. They only give a temporary boost which is very helpful when the hormonal system is suppressed and trying to get back to normal. It’s a bit of a “head start” when it comes to recovery, but at some point your body needs to produce its own hormones. Otherwise, it’s not really recovery, just replacing one drug with another. For this reason, the intake of supplements is also recommended at this time.

Now that you know exactly how these drugs work, let’s find out the differences.

The biggest difference lies in the fact that HCG mimics his LH (luteinizing hormone). It gives the body a false signal that LH is present and everything else reacts accordingly. HMG actually raises your natural LH. Some people find it makes little difference, but it’s always better to let your body react most naturally. When this happens, there is also less chance of tolerance building up. And with HCG, tolerance builds up very quickly. Therefore, excessive use of HCG is not recommended. If used in too much and too often, it will have no effect at all.

It seems that there is still room for speculation as to how low the inhibitory properties of HMG are. But we can reasonably assume that this is not the case.

There is still some empirical opinion that HMG does not cause much of an estrogen surge. His use of HMG for bodybuilding purposes is so new that there is no way to unilaterally prove this. still. But again, this is to be expected.

One of the absolute differences between the two compounds is the fact that HMG raises his FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), while HCG does not. Again, this is due to the fact that HCG works holistically and HMG stimulates the entire feedback loop. This is especially appealing because increased FSH means increased sperm count and ejaculate volume.

HMG dosage and usage
Two weeks of 75 units per day is usually enough to restore normal testicular function and sperm count in men.

PCT (if you use high concentrations of testosterone or trenbolone during your cycle),
HCG 2000 IU x 2 days x 10 times + Clomid 100 mg (1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet in the evening) x 30 days + Nolvadex 20 mg x 45 days + HMG 75 IU/day x 14 days.

NOTE: Dosage may vary depending on physician preference and patient response. If the ovaries are abnormally enlarged or the serum estradiol concentration is excessively elevated on the last day of menotropin treatment, human chorionic gonadotropin should not be administered for that cycle.

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