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Iver-Tab (Ivermection) 3mg x 50tabs(EVOLIX)


Iver-Tab (Ivermection) 3mg x 50tabs(EVOLIX)


The following drinking methods are tested in the protocol of the research team called FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance).

How to take ivermectin for prevention
Preventive treatment for high-risk people
It is a preventive method for medical staff and those who cannot avoid being dense.
0.2 mg / kg at a time (taken before or after meals). If you weigh 60 kg, you should take 12 mg at a time.
Take once on the day, again 48 hours later, and once a week thereafter.

Preventive treatment after exposure to new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
It is a preventive measure after contact with the coronavirus, such as close contact with a person who is positive for corona.
The single dose is 0.2 mg / kg. If you weigh 60 kg, you should take 12 mg at a time.
One dose is given on the first day, and a second dose is given 48 hours later.

How to take ivermectin for early outpatient treatment
This is how to take ivermectin before it becomes positive for corona and becomes severe.
0.2-0.4 mg / kg (taken before or after meals). If you weigh 60 kg, it is 12 to 24 mg at a time.
Take once daily, for 5 days, or until recovery.
This is a fairly high dose, as the usual way to take ivermectin (for the treatment of intestinal fecal nematodes) is 12 mg twice every two weeks.
Naturally, the risk of side effects increases accordingly.


There is information saying “If you have ivermectin, you don’t need a vaccine”, but what about the truth?

There is only one main point in this issue.

“What happened in India?”

* Graph of the Delhi region, which is almost the same size as Tokyo, the capital of India

India is the birthplace of Delta stocks. A country that has suffered a large number of deaths due to a poor medical system caused by an outbreak of Delta strains.

Now, as you can see, the Delta strain has been completely crushed and is now an endangered species on par with influenza.

What happened?

Herd immunity has never been achieved in the two months of April and May. No matter how exponential the infection is, it cannot spread to every corner of 1.2 billion people so conveniently. Moreover, it is strange that all infected people conveniently acquire immunity.

One of the hypotheses that explains this phenomenon is the use of ivermectin. It is hypothesized that in India, ivermectin was prophylactically distributed on a large scale to people other than infected people, and that many people took ivermectin before infection, which was very effective in preventing infection.

It is just one of the hypotheses, and there are many other possibilities. In the first place, there are even problems with the credibility of statistics, so I don’t know anything definitive.

Then, even if more than 70% of the people hit the vaccine, the results are lower than this in Israel, but is there anything else that can explain this phenomenon?

“What’s happening in India”

This is the number one priority that anyone suffering from Delta stocks should know about.

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