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IGF-1des(1−3) 1mg + Injection water ample


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IGF-1des(1−3) 1mg + Injection water ample

Product Description

We present an extensive series of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 DES Injection.
What is IGF-1 DES:

IGF1-DES is an insulin related or insulin analog what the body naturally makes. It effects the hormone system, mostly in the liver, and regulates energy and fat loss. IGF1-DES also spurs cell production and can help with anti-aging or tissue damage.
IGF-1 DES is more powerful than the IGF-1 and its counterpart.

It means that even though the chain for IGF-1 DES has a duration period of 20-30 minutes, it can give larger benefits in the long term run. Which means that IGF-1 DES should be administered in the muscles you want to see transform and change overtime using IGF-1 DES.

IGF-1 DES can stimulate tissue growth during training by attaching to the lactic acid being formed by the muscles. Hence why IGF-1 DES can be used much longer than IGF-1 counterparts.

How much IGF-1 DES should I take:

A typical protocol would be:
50-150mcg multiple times a day of IGF-1 DES into the localized region you want to see growth.
Example, if you want to administer IGF-1 DES into the thigh, then you inject directly into the area.

What are the side effects of IGF-1 DES:
IGF1-DES can increase tumor size in patients who already have cancer. It does not affect anyone who does not have cancer, but can cause tumors to develop after long term use. Hypoglycemia is easy to happen with IGF1-DES due to miscalculation of the dosage or over dosage of the drug itself. Do not use this for headaches, as it can be abused quite easily.

Some positive side effects of IGF1-DES include: regulating fat for use as energy, which can result in fat loss, anti-aging contributions by slowing down aging and boosting cell reduction in the process. Low levels of IGF-1 are linked to heart failure, lower brain cell regulation and neuron function as well as muscle tissue breakdown. So IGF1-DES can help regulate those problem areas, increases nutrient shuttling (aka protein synthesis), increased regenerative functions of nerve tissues and the ability to cause hyperplasia in muscle cells resulting in fuller muscle tissue.

des(1-3)IGF-1 is a naturally occurring, endogenous protein, as well as drug, and truncated analogue of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). des(1-3)IGF-1 lacks the first three amino acids at the N-terminus of IGF-1 (for a total of 67 amino acids, relative to the 70 of IGF-1).As a result of this difference,
it has considerably reduced binding to the insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and enhanced potency (about 10-fold in vivo) relative to IGF-1.

** In vivo means in vivo, which means that an experimental animal such as a mouse is used to directly administer a test substance in vivo and detect a drug reaction in vivo or in cells.

Explains how to use IGF1DES.
All you need is an IGF1DES 1 vial, Bacteriostatic 0.9% Sodium Chloride 10cc / vial, 1ml syringe only x 10, 27G 1 inch needle = 92 yen x 20 for 10 days.

It is recommended that this cycle last for at least 50 days.

Using 1 vial of Bacteriostatic 0.9% Sodium Chloride 10cc / vial, first suck up about 2 ml of water for injection from the vial, inject it into a vial of IGF1DES, dissolve well, then suck up everything, and then suck up the original Bacteriostatic 0.9% Sodium. Return to Chloride 10cc / vial and mix well.

By doing so, IGF1DES 1mg / 10ml injection will be completed.

Since 100 μg is used a day, it is 1 ml.

This in the morning. Noon. Before training and in the evening time, it will be taken by intramuscular injection to the muscle group or weak point to be trained that day in 4 times.

When using IGF-1LR3 or IGF-1DES, the basic usage is 100 mcg per day, so 1 vial is required in 10 days.
1 cycle 6-8 weeks, 6 weeks x 7 days = 42 (5 vials) 8 weeks x 7 days = 56 times (6 vials)
will become necessary.
I think that the required syringe should be used for the number of days. For example, 56 or 60
The needle to be used is a 27G 1/2 needle for subcutaneous injection of IGF-1LR3, and an intramuscular injection for injection with IGF-1DES, so a 27G 1-inch needle should be used.
Please prepare twice the amount of the syringe to be used.
This is because one needle is used for injecting and sucking into a vial, and when actually injecting, it is injected with a new needle.
Q: Q:
② Injection timing of LR3 and DES
(If you hit in the morning, should you be hungry after the injection, if you hit the muscles, how many hours before or after training, etc.)
The current mainstream is to drink only amino acid drinks once a day on an empty stomach immediately after waking up in the morning, inject subcutaneously, and then have breakfast as usual about an hour later.
It is most effective to take DES by injection immediately after waking up in the morning and in 4 divided doses at noon, just before training and in the evening.
Be sure to inject to the muscles that are laning that day or to the weak points.
Q: Q:
How does IGF-1LR3 work differently between subcutaneous and intramuscular injections?
Previously, LR3 was taken by intramuscular injection immediately after waking up in the morning and immediately after training.
It is now known that DES, not LR3, has a higher local hypertrophy effect by intramuscular injection.
Since LR3 is a preparation with a long half-life, subcutaneous injection once a day is the mainstream immediately after waking up Asano.
Q: Q:
Measures to prevent hypoglycemia
Eat complex carbohydrates and always carry glucose, etc., and even if you sweat like hypoglycemic symptoms or have anxiety factors, immediately put glucose in your mouth.
It needs to be included so that it can be handled.

IGF-1LR3 is more than effective when used in the same way as IGF-1DES.
In addition, it is a medicinal effect for local hypertrophy due to site injection, but until now
Local hypertrophy of IGF-1LR3 has been a hot topic, but recently, local hypertrophy has been discussed.
Only IGF-1DES and PEG-MGF are mainstream.

If you are aiming for local hypertrophy with LR3, inject it into the target muscle immediately after waking up Asano and immediately after training.

However, by injecting into the target muscle group, the appearance of the effect may be accelerated.
Injections into areas of particular interest such as the pectoralis major, deltoid, and triceps are good practices.

The major difference between IGF-1DES and IGF-1LR3 lies in the efficacy time.
Since IGF-1LR3 has a long drug effect, recently it can be injected subcutaneously once a day to all muscle groups in the body.
The method to exert the effect is often taken.

Since IGF-1DES has a short drug efficacy time, the purpose is for the drug to flow into the body and reach the place where it wants to exert its effect immediately.
Perform site injection.
PEG-MGF is used by injecting into the damaged muscle group after muscle training with the aim of repairing the damaged muscle group.

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