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Human Placenta Injection 100mg/Amplex7Amples(expired)


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Human Placenta Injection 100mg/Amplex7Amples(1box)(expired 06/20)

The expiration date of this product has expired.

However, since it is well preserved, we will offer it at a bargain sale to those who understand it.

Placentrex Injection
Placentrex is a drug containing Peptides (FNP-III, CRF), Nucleotides (PDRN) & Glutamate and is derived from an extract of fresh term, healthy, human placenta.

Brand Name: Placentrex
Form: Injection
Contents: Placenta Extract Injection
Strength: 2 ml
Manufactured By: Albert David Limited
Packaging : 14 Ampoules*4 Blisters Strips

Perfect for Anti-Aging, fine line wrinkles and looking young.
– Protect organs, good for wound recovery, cell rebuilt, and regains body energy.
– Boost immune system to increase life sexual. Better living.
– Proven record in beneficially to impotence decreased sexual desire, tiredness, erectile dysfunction, frigidity, migraine, abnormal blood pressure, osteoporosis, peptic ulcers, diabetes, liver spot, wrinkles and fine line, hypoglycemia.
– Use 1~2 ampoules every 3 day, to be finished in 2.5 month, then 1-2 amp per week for maintenance
Injection method:
– Intramuscular (IM) by normal injection.

Stem cells are responsible for growth during childhood and for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives.
After the age of 25 the level of stem cells are only at 20 percent. As the levels of stem cells decline the damage that we call aging continues to accelerate.
By increasing the levels of stem cells in our bodies, we can slow, or even reverse, many manifestations of aging.
There is no other single therapy currently available that can have the impact on aging that Fresh Cell/Placenta Therapy can have.

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