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Gonadorelin 10mg + Injection water ampul


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Gonadorelin 10mg + Injection water ampul

About Gonadorelin

Gonadorelin – is one of the hormones produced by the body. It increases the secretion of gonadotropins, which provokes an increase in testosterone levels. Today there are a lot syntactic gonadorelin analogues. They are actively used in sports and bodybuilding.

Gonadorelin peptide can surely be called an activator of the pituitary gland works. The production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is activated under the influence of this substance. These hormones affect the reproductive power of the human body. The luteinizing hormone is especially important for the athletes since it affects the testosterone level in the blood. Therefore Gonadorelin administration helps to increase the level of this component.

The effects of Gonadorelin use

muscle growth;

increase of the testosterone level in blood;

improving the sexual life;

increase of endurance and strength.

great for PCT

Gonadorelin reviews show that during the course of the preparation the decrease of the body fluid is noticed. This is especially important during the cutting cycle and preparation for a competition for bodybuilders. Immediately after intake it reaches its maximal concentration within 30-40 minutes. Then it excreted through the kidneys and bladder.

Application and dosage of Gonadorelin

In order to prevent complications the peptide is administered in courses. The following scheme is acceptable: 100-200 mcg every four hours. Gonadorelin course lasts for four weeks and consists of 4 injection per day. Then the pause must be made in order to recover normal operation of organism’s own endocrine organs.

Side effects and contraindications

The course of the gonadorelin may cause several side effects such as strong headache, alteration in bowel habits, allergic reactions, as well as local reactions in the form of congestion. In case of intake process violation there is a possibility of thrombosis.

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