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β⁻NMN 150mg x 100Tabs(EVOLIX)


β⁻NMN 150mg x 100Tabs(EVOLIX)

Description of item
What is NMN
NMN (β-nicotinamide mononucleotide) is known to activate “sirtuin genes” called “longevity genes” and “anti-aging genes” by being converted into biosubstances (NAD⁺) that decrease with age.
NMN exerts its effect by being absorbed from the intestine in the body.
Therefore, EVOLIX’s β-NMN oral formulation is a formulation that allows you to experience a wonderful effect made in a special form of enteric-coated tablet that exerts its efficacy after entering the intestine so that there is no influence of digestion from other organs.

Expected efficacy
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD⁺) is a coenzyme required for metabolism contained in cells throughout the body, and age-related diseases are reported to be associated with a decrease in NAD⁺. When “NMN” is ingested, it is converted into NAD+ in the body, so a “total anti-aging” effect can be expected.

Supercharge Your Life With NMN Supplements
2ー8Tabs per day may provide benefits for your body, brain and natural aging processes.

·Promotes Vascular Health and Blood Flow*
We rely on our skeletal muscles for movement, stability and strength. To remain strong, and in good condition, these muscles must consume significant amounts of key energy molecules like glucose and fatty acids. Because NAD+ is required to metabolize these molecules, our muscles need a steady supply of its building blocks, such as NMN.

Improves Muscle Endurance and Strength*
People often report increased energy levels taking NMN orally. Studies show that NMN also increases stamina and endurance.

The health of our muscles grows ever more important as we age and our own supply NAD+ declines.

Protects Against Heart Disease*
Your skeletal muscles get to take a break. Yet your heart never stops ticking. Hence, it needs a tremendous amount of energy. And to keep it pumping, it needs to make all the NAD+ it can.

Lowers Risk of Obesity*
Obesity is linked to multiple unhealthy conditions. NMN is no remedy to obesity, however, studies have shown that taking NMN can mimic certain aspects of calorie restriction. While calorie restriction is an extreme example of losing weight, mimicking it with supplements would be beneficial.

Helps to Enhance Maintenance of DNA Repair*
DNA damage is inevitable with growing age. Various environmental factors like radiation (for example direct sun and x-rays), pollution and other atmospheric changes also affect human DNA replication process.

Supplementing your body with NMN can help controlling the level of damage as NAD+ is a vital component of repairing your DNA molecules.

Increases Mitochondrial Function*
Simply put, we couldn’t live without our mitochondria. These unique cellular structures are known as the powerhouses of the cell. They convert molecules from the food we eat into the energy that our cells use. NAD+ is central to this process. In fact, mitochondrial anomalies caused by the loss of NAD+ may even impact neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

Memory Improvement & Sharper Mind*
Many users of NMN products experience improvements in cognitive function, making them feel sharper and better able to concentrate. We can also see it in studies that NMN has beneficial effects on brain functioning, and cognition.

Improves Metabolism*
Taking NMN supplements promotes cell metabolism. It helps in managing many metabolic conditions like obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, and liver-related diseases.

NMN can also increase insulin activity in your body and elevate glucose tolerance levels in many individuals.
Recommended articles

12 weeks of NMN supplementation improves muscle function
A clinical study in older men was the first to show that NMN consumption increased blood NAD+ levels and improved various measures of strength and performance.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplementation Improves Aerobic Performance in Amateur Runners

The purity of β-NMN we handle is 99.91% by HPLC test listed on COA.
97.45% in the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry test by the US laboratory
It is a very high quality formulation that has become.

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