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β‐NMN 300㎎ / 5ml x 1Vial (ELIXIR SCIENCE)


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β‐NMN 300㎎ / 5ml x 1Vial (ELIXIR SCIENCE)

What is NMN injection?

NMN injection is a new aging care treatment that uses “NMN = nicotinamide mononucleotide”, which is attracting attention as having a rejuvenating effect.

By taking NMN into the body through NMN injection, the “sirtuin gene (longevity gene)” is activated and has an anti-aging effect, rejuvenating the skin such as firmness and texture, and bodily functions such as reducing fatigue and improving metabolism. In addition, it can be expected to have a wide range of effects on the entire body, such as improved sleep quality such as better falling asleep and waking up, improved eyesight such as refreshing behind the eyes, improved concentration and improved motor function. increase.

NMN drips are usually provided in 100mg doses, but we are able to provide formulations increased to 300mg. You can feel the effect more.

Injection intake and method

Prepare a 5ml syringe, a 23G needle, and a butterfly needle. First, suck up all the contents from the NMN 300mg/5ml vial with a 23G needle attached to the 5ml syringe (use 150-300mg at a time). Remove the 23G needle and replace it with a winged needle

The injection is given intravenously over a period of time.

As for the frequency of injections, it is usually recommended to ingest once or twice a month, but if you want to experience the effects more firmly, dosing once every 1 to 2 weeks will be more effective increase.

NMN drips are usually provided in 100mg doses, but we are able to provide formulations increased to 300mg. You can feel the effect more.

Injection method

Prepare a 5ml syringe, a 23G needle, and a butterfly needle. First, attach a 23G needle to the 5ml syringe from the NMN 300mg/5ml vial, suck up all the contents, then remove the 23G needle and replace it with a butterfly needle. hand

The injection is given intravenously over a period of time.

As for the frequency of injections, it is usually recommended to ingest once or twice a month, but if you want to experience the effects more firmly, dosing once every 1 to 2 weeks will be more effective. It’s easy.

The cause of aging is the decrease of “NAD+”

NMN is a precursor of “NAD+”. This NAD+ is called “coenzyme” and is necessary for human metabolism, exercise, and repair, and activates sirtuin genes.

Even though NAD+ is consumed in the body, it is produced and replenished, but it decreases with age, and by the time you are in your 50s, it will be half of what it was in your 20s.

* Precursor = refers to the substance at the stage before the substance is generated.

Replenish NAD+ with NMN

Although it was found that NAD+ replenishment was important in aging care, the replenishment method was an issue because NAD+ cannot pass through cell membranes.

Professor David Sinclair, director of the Harvard Medical School Institute on Aging, focused on NMN in this replenishment method.

Since NMN, a precursor of NAD +, passes through the cell membrane, research has been conducted to replenish NAD + with NMN.

Food can also replenish NMN

It is possible to ingest NMN from food, but if you try to ingest 100 mg of NMN from food, you will need to take 56 broccoli, 2,500 mushrooms, and 42 cabbage.

The NMN drip was developed to replenish NMN more efficiently.

Frequently asked questions about NMN injection

Does NMN increase muscle mass?

NMN benefits muscle development and healing by enhancing blood and nutrient delivery to muscles, improving strength and performance.


Does NMN help with bodybuilding?

The researchers found that NMN significantly improved several muscle strength and performance indicators, such as grip strength, walking speed, and the number of times a test participant was able to rise from a chair in his 30 seconds. .


Does NMN burn fat?

There is growing evidence that NMN helps with weight loss by activating sirtuin genes. Sirtuins are involved in regulating metabolism, and NMN activates them for fat-burning effects.


Does NMN increase testosterone?

Testosterone levels naturally decline as we age, which can lead to these problems. However, NMN has been shown to help offset this decline by increasing testosterone production. In one study, men who took NMN supplements for 12 weeks experienced a significant increase in testosterone levels.



The purity of β-NMN we handle is 99.91% by HPLC test listed on COA.

97.45% in the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry test by the US laboratory

It is a very high quality formulation that has become.

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