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Sterile Serum Vial 10ML Glass – A typical package of injectables. Despite the emergence of alternatives in the form of plastic, glass vials have not lost their popularity.

The reason for this-as a result of the barrier and protective properties of the glass, the lack of reaction with the drug compound, and no adverse effects. In addition, a glass bottle of medicine-it’s convenient.


STERILE SERUM VIAL is ideal for blending powder-based agents such as HGH and HCG. The powder should only be dissolved in the solute and volume as stated in the instructions.

Peptide hormone dilution is up to 2 ml for peptide hormone vials, so for example, in the case of IGF-DES, if the daily usage is 100 mcg, it is recommended to take it in 4 divided doses a day. ..

If you inject 4 injections in 1/10 of the amount divided into 4 times into the left and right muscle groups, you will only get 0.2 ml, which is 1/10 of 2 ml, but this amount is a realistically accurate amount. I can’t inject.

In that case, if you prepare a sterile vial + 10 ml of water for injection in advance,

Using 10 ml of water for injection, first suck up about 2 ml of water for injection from the ampoule, inject it into a vial of IGF1DES, dissolve it well, then suck up everything, return it to a sterile vial and mix well.
By doing so, IGF1DES 1mg / 10ml injection will be completed.
Since 100 μg is used a day, it is 1 ml.

This in the morning. Noon. Before training. night. It will be taken by intramuscular injection for the muscle group to be trained that day in 4 divided doses.

This usage is similarly diluted with the 10 mg type of GHRP-2,6 and many other peptide hormones.
By increasing the injection volume at one time, it becomes easier to measure the injection volume more accurately.

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